Business Concept To Blow Up The Company

Diposting oleh Es Kopi on Selasa, 27 November 2012

According to Cary Hamel, to be revolutionary industrial, or to create new rules of the game in an era of difficult or revolution era, we have to create a business concept and its components. A business concept in the era of tough consists of four main components: the core strategy (Core Strategy), strategic resources (Strategic Resource), Intermediary Customer (Costumer Interface) and value network (Value Network). The four main components are linked by three bridge components.Among the components of the core strategies and related strategic resource by activation configuration components (Configuration of Activities). Components of benefit to the customer (Customer Benefit) linking the core strategy and brokerage customers.while the components of the limits of the (Company Boundaries) as a bridge between resource strategy with value network. In a difficult business model in the age of the covered four critical elements comprising the profit potential of efficiency, uniqueness, compatibility and driving profits.The first component of this business concept is the core strategy (Core Strategy) which is the core of how a company chooses to compete. The elements of the strategy include the core vision and business mission. The vision and mission of the business will lead to the inclusion of value, will the strategy, goals and objectives are great, many and brave and all performance targets. Vision and business mission is to provide direction and a set of criteria to measure progress.The vision is based on spiritual capital proved to be catapulted the company. Pharmaceutical brands provide medicines for the needy that move the research to work optimally.

The mission of Google is to organize the world's information and make it accessible and used universally. The mission of the rich spiritual capital can make Google ad sales explode. Of capital of 0.1 million U.S. dollars in 1998, exploded in March 2007 with revenues of 3.66 billion U.S. dollars.
Meanwhile, Yahoo is the mission of connecting people with great desire, their communities and world's knowledge. The company was founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo with relatively small capital in 1994.Now company has exploded with revenue 6.420 billion U.S. dollars by the end of 2006.

The second component of a business in an era of difficult concepts are strategic resources (Strategic Resources) consisting of core competencies, strategic assets and core processes. Resource strategy is specific and unique, can dramatically alter a source of resource competition business concept innovation. Competence is some thing the company's excellence and be able to provide the unique skills and abilities. For example, which has a One-Click patent technology and have a very strong brand that is among the quality of its core competencies. But the real core competency of is the experience created for customers, which is comfortable doing business with why comfortable? Because it is easy (One-Click), makes people perceive that they are doing business, selling and buying products that have a known brand.

The third component of intermediate customers (Costumer Interface) has four element, namely support and fulfillment, in-depth information and pricing structure dynamics.Harley Davidson is a company that is able to build a real relationship with its customers.

While all four components of the business model is the network that surrounds the company values ​​that reinforce and complement the company's resources. Cisco and Nokia with their supplier networks as a way to reduce working capital and increase flexibility dramatically.

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