Business strategies and functions

Diposting oleh Es Kopi on Jumat, 02 November 2012

A business strategy typically is a document that clearly articulate directions business will pursue and the steps needed to achieve their goals. In a standard business plan, business strategy results from goals established to support another mission of the business. A typical business strategy developed in three steps: analysis, integration and implementation.In the analysis phase of business strategy development, one of the few methods used to analyze the enterprise market, resources, constraints and for successful certain advantages. The purpose of strategic analysis is to identify what the business wants to accomplish, that power can bring to goal and weaknesses that need to be addressed before integration and implementation. Strategic assessment methodologies may include evaluating business environment, gaming various competitive scenarios, determining what competitors market forces are working  and assessment, among others.Business strategy, sometimes called competitive strategy or any strategy is determined by six dimensions, four of which first investigated the business and the importance of the element. While two other elements showed business presence in a system related to another business entity.A business strategy contain a specification of a determining factor of:1. The product is marketed as a tool to compete in a business.A business is limited by the results of the offer and the options will not be offered to market the product, as well as efforts to provide or not provide a product in a competitive business from an entity that binds.2. The level of investment is happening, where it involves:Investing for grow the Investment to maintain a favorable position Obtaining fresh funds through the minimization of investment Obtaining money back as possible from the existing asset if done liquidation or withdrawal of capital are included.3. Functional strategies required in the competition area.This includes specific steps to compete include:a. Product line strategy. Strategic positioning. Pricing strategy. Distribution strategies. Manufacturing strategy. Logistics strategy4. Strategy in terms of the underlying asset or skill acquisition sustainable competitive advantage (Sustainable Competitive Advantage [SCA]).5. Allocation of resources into all business units.These resources both financial and non-financial, such as factories, equipment, manpower both internally and externally company.6. Development of synergies in business effectiveness as a means of value creation that supports the ability to complete.The six dimensions of these strategies can be combined into 3 important part as follows:
 1.Investment decisions marketed products that includes product-market strategy of the business environment, the intensity of investment (money), and establish the source of a variety of businesses
 2.Strategic measures of functional areas. 
3.The basis for sustainable competitive advantage to compete in the market, it includes the assets, skills, and proper synergy of the area functional strategies.

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